Minutes for the April 27, 2021 SCGSF Special Board Teleconference Meeting 7:00pm-8:00pm

  1. The meeting was conducted via ZOOM and called to order at 7:07 PM
  2. Members in attendance were: Maryann, Margaret, Cindy T, Brenda and Lesley
  3. A motion to record the meeting was not made.
  4. The purpose of the Special Board Meeting was to have Brenda report back on the proposed amendments to our Constitution to allow for Web or teleconferencing and provide an update on changes to our PayPal functions.

A-Constitutional Amendment:

Brenda reviewed the Constitution and added the phrase “including Tele/Web Conferences” where applicable to allow for Zoom meetings or other Tele/Web type applications for membership and Board meetings.

She also brought up the question about how to proceed with voting.  It was agreed that voting should still be attached to meeting attendance, via in-person or electronic means.

Brenda noticed the treasurer is listed with the pronoun ”he”, which she recommends be changed to  “they”.

She also emphasized the importance of donations being sent to the club be clearly marked as such, so as not to have any questions about how and where the monies are being dispersed to.



Brenda has a conversation with Web-master Dave Lucht and gathered some information:

-cannot have a link directly to PayPal from our website

-add specific PayPal buttons on website for membership and brags

-Maryann suggested the brag button be for $5.00

-automatically add surcharge of 4%

-create invoices

-we will leave the “contact us” button on the website which will go to the corresponding secretary, leave contact for treasurer and delete all the others

-add page for trophy donations, donors can fill out and will receive invoice, or

Brenda advised she will send the check to our club member that we took donations for later this month.

We discussed an email we received from AKC about IRS taxes and we all agree that is it not applicable.  Brenda will confirm with Brian.


The meeting was adjourned 7:58 PM.  Maryann Lillemo-Recording Secretary

After the meeting adjourned, we had a discussion about the Specialty and SASC.  I confirmed that any deposit may not be refundable for any other reason other than COVID related.  Since SASC has not officially answered our question if they want to join us, we will take that as a “no” answer and proceed with our own plans.

