Minutes for the May 13, 2021 SCGSF Special Board Teleconference Meeting 7:00pm-8:00pm

  1. The meeting was conducted via ZOOM and called to order at 7:20 PM
  2. Members in attendance were: Maryann, Margaret, Cindy T and Pam
  3. A motion to record the meeting was not made.
  4. The purpose of the Special Board Meeting was to discuss voting options and made some Specialty decisions.


A-Voting Options

-For voting on membership upgrade on Donna Nolton: it was decided to send out email ballots with biography prior to the upcoming membership meeting and provide voting results at the meeting

-It was agreed to present the new slate of officers for the 2021/2022 year at the next meeting and vote by affirmation


B-Specialty decisions

-After a very lively discussions about the pros and cons of porta-potties vs a bathroom structure, it was ultimately decided to get porta potties, which will save approximately $200.

-We need a decision on offering obedience and Jr Showmanship, Cindy will send an email to the members asking about participation in Jr Sportsmanship and obedience and Maryann will do the same via Face Book.

– Now that Harvest Moon is not involved, we had to make a decision about what to pay Joe Minor, who is our judge for Sunday.  Wendy said that in the past, she was paid on a per dog price with some lodging.  Margaret will query Lesley for her input.

-Wendy is hiring Paulette to ring steward and Susan will assist on Saturday.  Wendy also has a show secretary in mind and is working on that.

-We need to think about a club liaison



The meeting was adjourned 8:07 PM.

Maryann Lillemo

Recording Secretary